OTP Pros,

As of 8/21, these are the currently released Windows 10 images:


  • PAN JS970
    • Cannot be rolled back to PR7 – this would brick the device if attempted
    • Cash Drawer will not open after POS Open. A reboot after each open will fix this.
  • NCR XR7
  • NCR CX7
  • PAR ES650
  • PAR T8315
    • NOTE: SP10.4 contains fix for touchscreen freezing issues. Some registers never experienced this problem, so it is possible to upgrade a T8315 on SP10.3, however the risk should be assessed. If the issue appears, a downgrade to PR7 is required.

KVS/EPR/ORB Controllers

For EPR or ORB – (Must select ‘NO’ at First Re-Provisioning Question)

  • HP T630
  • NCR KC4
  • LENOVO M625Q

eSTC (Must select ‘NO’ at First Re-Provisioning Question)

  • PAR ES550
  • NCR P1235


  • Diebold (Skylake) – Listed as Diebold 2.0 in RRM
  • Dell 7040

These troubleshooting steps are recommended for almost ALL issues encountered with Windows 10:

  • Check the Windows 10 Reimage Guide for solutions. All of the steps for everything Windows 10 are contained here. This includes Known Issues and KB’s to use.
  • Run the Windows 10 readiness check. Always do this prior to reimage.
  • Reboot the device and wait for 10 minutes. This may cause RNLD screens to trigger.
  • Push files to the device from Restaurant Builder. This fixes many issues: from NP# not starting to monitor resolution issues
  • Reprovision the device if it can be detached/reprovisioned. This will run it through the PT and 7 plugins again allowing some issues to be resolved.
  • If Restaurant Builder shows a Version Mismatch, give this KB a try: KB0141239
  • If the device is not connecting to the network, try this CB post: Whitelisting devices MAC address in AWE
  • Reimage the device and select “No” at the Restage Prompt
  • If all other options fail, escalate the issue to ATOS

 Note: If you attempt to image a device that has an image that has NOT been released, it WILL leave the device with no OS.

You will see mention of other devices in the Windows 10 Reimaging Guide, however please note that only the devices listed here have images available. This post will be updated when they become available.



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